The Phoenix Music Scene
In 2016 the Phoenix music scene is still home to some of the greatest people/musicians I know. Some are newbies to the local scene, and...
Ran into Mr Tony Noyes Last Night
I ran into Tony Noyes last night at his rehearsal spot. He has a new line up for his "Tony Noyes's S.E.X (Sensational Eightie's...
Dream Warriors (My New Dokken Tribute Band)
Hey Nakedites out there. Our Dokken Tribute band is coming along nicely. Soon you will be able to check us out at a venue near you. We...
The Iron Maidens
Just an FYI.....I have just confirmed the Iron Maidens for TribFest 9, on Oct 7th. So be ready. Ticket info and openning band info...
I'm Baaaaack!
Well as Randy Quaid said in the mivie "Independence Day".....Hello Boys (and Girls) ..I'm Baaaaack! After a short intermission, I am...